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Baby - Internet Joke

We'd like to name him James. That names is already taken! Try James375 or James2017.


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Table Layout - Web Developer Joke

Why did the web developer leave the restaurant? ... Because of the table layout.


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Glasses - Programmer Joke

Why do Java developers wear glasses? ... Because they don't C#.


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Incognito - Web Browser Joke

How do you know when you're really in incognito mode? ... Your browser turns into a Word document.


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International Olympiad in Informatics - Web joke

How do programming champions start their programs?... int result[500000];


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Tom and Jerry - Web Designer Joke

DOM and jQuery.


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Pisa Tower CSS - Web Designer Joke

#pisa-tower { font-style: italic; }


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Bytes - Computer Joke

Two bytes meet. The first byte asks, "Are you ill?" The second byte replies, "No, just feeling a bit off."


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Spaghetti - Web Joke

Why did the Italian chef fail his web coding class? ... He wrote spaghetti from scratch.


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Rome - Web Developer Joke

Two fonts meet in Rome. One asks, "Are you a Roman, too?" "No," the other responds, "but I'm an Italic!"


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Full Stack - Web Designer Joke

Front end vs. Back end.


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F5 - Web Joke

How do programmers order for refreshments?... They press F5!


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Burgers Web Joke

How do coders like their burgers?... With chips!


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Shopping - Web Joke

Internet Explorer goes shopping. An employee asks, "Do you need help?" Internet Explorer responds, "No. Just browsing."


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Vages - Programming Joke

Web design is a lot like Vegas. What happens below the fold stays below the fold.


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Chemistry - Programming Joke

.periodic { display: table }


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Newspaper - Developer Joke

We sent a web developer to the store to get The Times newspaper. He came back with The Times New Roman.


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Baby - Programming Joke

We'd like to name him Peter. That names is already taken! Try Peter365 or Peter2016.


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Lego - Programming Joke

.lego { display: block; }


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Home - Programming Joke

There's no place like

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